10 august 2012
Conference from 9 to 18
The framing of the theory and state-of-the-art is entrusted to two keynote speakers:
MICHAEL E. D. KOENIG is Professor at Long Island University, and is the former and founding Dean of the College of Information and Computer Science at LIU. His career has included both academic positions and senior management positions in the information industry, including Manager of Information Services for Pfizer Research, and V.P. positions at the Institute for Scientific Information, Swets and Zeitlinger, and Tradenet Inc., and Dean and Professor at Dominican University. Koenig obtained his Ph.D. in information science from Drexel University, an MBA in Mathematical Methods and Computers and an M.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of Chicago, and his undergraduate degree in Psychology and Physics is from Yale University. A Fulbright Scholar in Argentina, he is the author of more than 100 peer reviewed scholarly publications, the co-editor of three monographs on the subject of KM published for the American Society for Information Science and Technology, including "Knowledge Management: What Works and What Doesn't", a member of the editorial board of more than a dozen journals, and a past president of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. He is also the recipient of a Jason Farradane award for "Outstanding Work in the Information Field".
ANJA FLICKER is a graduate librarian and started her working life in 1993 at the Munich Public Library (Bavaria, Germany). In 2001 she left the public sector to become head of knowledge management at the financial services provider LHI Leasing GmbH (Munich, Germany). With her as head of knowledge management, the enterprise was chosen, in 2003, by Financial Times Germany, the business magazine Impulse and the Commerzbank to be "Knowledge Manager of the Year". Two years later, Anja Flicker moved to reinisch AG (Karlsruhe, Germany). Until end of 2009 she was responsible for conception, realisation and ongoing development of the division of knowledge logistics, as well as analysis, control and development of intellectual capital. Back to the roots: Since January 2010 Anja Flicker is director of the public library Würzburg. Here she uses her competences and experience to establish the principles and methods of knowledge management and intellectual capital management - as one of the first movers in German public libraries.
The program will include presentations by:
- YUAN-HO HUANG (Department of Library and Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University,
"A multilevel analysis for knowledge activities of academic librarians in Taiwan" - EVA SEMERTZAKI (Library Section Bank of Greece Athens, GREECE)
"Why special libraries are the right places to host a knowledge management center" - JAVED ANJUM SHEIKH - BOB FIELDS – ELKE DUNCKER (Interaction Design Centre School
of Engineering & Information Sciences Middlesex University London, UK)
"The cultural integration of knowledge management into interactive design" - KIRSTY TUOMINEN (Chief Librarian, Kallio Library, Helsinki, FINLAND)
"How to strengthen the social capital of your library - Case study of Kallio Library"; - GIUSEPPE VITIELLO (Library & Knowledge Center NATO Defense College, Rome, ITALY)
"Knowledge management at the NATO Defense College: restructuring the Library for an enlarged mission".
The exchange of ideas and knowledge building will be fostered by coffee breaks and lunch offered by the sponsor ExLibris
You can find information about the Satellite Meeting and about the speakers
in the Newsletter number 14
of the Knowledge Management Section
Programme of the Satellite Meeting
The full papers will be available after the Satellite meeting